About Business Development

The Business Development Department at Agro Investment Corporation (Agro-Invest) serves as a catalyst for growth, expansion, and diversification of agricultural enterprises in Jamaica. This department plays a pivotal role in identifying new business opportunities, fostering strategic partnerships, and driving the overall development of the agricultural sector. In this overview, we provide insights into the key responsibilities and functions of the Business Development Department.

  • Market Research and Analysis: The Department conducts comprehensive market research and analysis to identify emerging trends, consumer preferences, and market opportunities in the agricultural sector. This involves analyzing local and international markets, studying consumer behaviour, and identifying gaps and potential areas for growth. By keeping a pulse on the market, the department provides valuable insights to guide business development strategies and decision-making processes.
  • New Business Identification: The Business Development Department actively seeks out new business opportunities in the agricultural sector. This includes scouting for potential investments, partnerships, and collaborations that align with the strategic objectives of Agro-Invest.
  • Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement: Building strong partnerships and fostering positive relationships with stakeholders is a core function of the Business Development Department. The department collaborates with government agencies, financial institutions, research institutions, industry associations, and other relevant stakeholders to promote a conducive business environment for agricultural enterprises.
  • Investor Attraction and Facilitation: The department is responsible for attracting local and foreign investors to the agricultural sector in Jamaica. This involves promoting investment opportunities, organizing investment forums, and facilitating investor engagements. The Business Development Department provides assistance and guidance to investors throughout the investment process, including business planning, feasibility studies, and access to financing options.
  • Business Advisory and Planning: The Business Development Department offers business advisory services, mentoring, and coaching to entrepreneurs and agribusinesses. The department assists in developing business plans, market strategies, and financial models, helping businesses optimize their operations, improve their marketing efforts, and navigate challenges in the marketplace.
  • Mobilizing Funding from Private and Public Sector Sources: Another key responsibility of the Business Development Department at Agro Investment Corporation (Agro-Invest) is to mobilize funding from both private and public sector sources on behalf of Agro Invest and its stakeholders.

Business Plan Preparation

-Cost: JAD$100,000

- Period of preparation: 1 – 3 months

·  Business Plan Review

·  Business Plan Design

·  Business Plan Modification   




Business Development takes pride in its strategic approach to investment package preparation, aiming to attract investors and drive growth in Jamaica's agricultural sector. In the past fiscal year, we have successfully completed nine investment packages, each presenting compelling opportunities for potential investors. These packages encompass a diverse range of agricultural products and have been tailored to meet the specific needs and demands of the market.

·   Ackee

·   Avocado

·   Sweet Corn

·   Breadfruit

·   Melon

·   Hot Pepper

·   Sweet Potato

·   Irish Potato

·   Mango




Business Development has been actively engaged in developing proposals aimed at driving agricultural growth and investment in Jamaica. We highlight some of the progress we have made in advancing these proposals and development plans, which are essential for fostering a thriving agricultural sector. 





Business Development is proud to highlight our successful completion of several concept notes, showcasing our dedication to fostering growth, collaboration, and sustainability in Jamaica's agricultural sector.

·         WUSC Concept Note

·         Financial Guidebook

·         Land Lease Financials

·         Proposals







The department’s commitment to agricultural development extends beyond proposals to comprehensive development plans. We have been actively working on strategic plans to optimize agricultural production and foster sustainable growth.

·      The Plantain Garden River Agro Park: We are delighted to announce the acquisition of an additional 143 acres, of which 122 acres are arable, at the Plantain Garden River Agro Park. This development will facilitate agricultural land lease opportunities, promote increased output, and reduce post-harvest losses. We are thrilled to welcome 32 investors who will benefit from this expansion.

·       Development Plan for Nonsuch Production Zone: A comprehensive development plan has been designed to improve and manage the Nonsuch Production Zone. This plan outlines strategies and initiatives aimed at enhancing productivity, optimizing resources, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices within the production zone.