The Business Development Department offers business advisory, mentoring, and coaching services that are tailored to entrepreneurs and agribusinesses. The department assists in developing business plans, and financial models, helping businesses optimize their operations, improve their marketing efforts, and navigate challenges in the marketplace.  These services help investors to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and maximize returns on their agricultural ventures.

Below is a breakdown of the key elements and benefits of agricultural business planning services that are provided for agribusiness investors:

  1. Investment Analysis:
    • Conducting thorough feasibility studies to assess the viability of proposed agricultural projects.
    • Analysing potential returns on investment (ROI) and payback periods.
    • Evaluating the alignment of the investment with the investor’s financial goals and risk tolerance.
  2. Market Research and Opportunity Identification:
    • Identifying promising market trends and opportunities within the agricultural sector.
    • Analysing consumer preferences and demand for specific agricultural products.
    • Assessing competitive landscape and potential market niches for the investor’s chosen crops livestock or agricultural products.
  3. Risk Assessment and Management
    • Identifying and evaluating potential risks.
    • Developing risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans to minimize potential losses.
    • Exploring insurance options and financial instruments to hedge against specific risks.
  4. Financial Planning and Projections:
    • Creating detailed financial projections, including income statements, and cash flow analyses.
    • Estimating initial capital requirements, ongoing operational costs, and expected revenues.
    • Evaluating different financing options and determine the optimal capital structure.
  5. Operational Planning and Management:
    • Developing comprehensive operational plans for crop cultivation, livestock management, and agribusiness activities.
    • Implementing efficient and sustainable farming practices to optimize resource utilization.
    • Defining production targets, quality standards, and performance metrics.
  6. Value Chain Integration:
    • Exploring opportunities for value addition and processing to enhance product differentiation and market positioning.
    • Identifying potential partnerships and collaborations along the agricultural value chain.
  7. Marketing and Sales Strategies:
    • Developing effective marketing strategies to promote agricultural products to target markets.
    • Identifying distribution channels and sales outlets to reach end customers.
  8. Sustainability and Environmental Considerations:
    • Integrating sustainable and environmentally friendly practices into the agribusiness model.
    • Ensuring compliance with relevant environmental regulations and certifications.
    • Implementing practices that promote soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity.


Cost: JMD$75,000 (limited time offer)

Completion Time: one (1) month

Professionally crafted by Business Specialist and supported by:

  • Technical Field Veterans
  • Research and Information Analysts
  • Agriculture Experts